Uses of Class

Packages that use SelectionBuffer

Uses of SelectionBuffer in com.softsynth.jmsl.score

Methods in com.softsynth.jmsl.score that return SelectionBuffer
 SelectionBuffer Score.getSelectionBuffer()

Methods in com.softsynth.jmsl.score with parameters of type SelectionBuffer
abstract  void NotePropertiesTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
          Implement this method to do something to the Notes in the SelectionBuffer.

Uses of SelectionBuffer in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.transforms

Methods in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.transforms with parameters of type SelectionBuffer
 void TupletTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
          Apply tuplet to selected Notes
 void TranspositionTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
          Implement this method to do whatever you want to the Vector of Note accessible at selectionBuffer
 void TieTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
          If any are beamed, unbeam all.
 void SlurTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
          If any are slurred, undo all.
 void RestToggleTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
          If a note is NOT a rest, make it a rest.
 void OctavaTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
          If any are 8va'ed or 8vb'ed, undo all.
 void NoteHeadTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
          Set notehead of each Note in selection buffer to specified notehead type
 void MarkTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
          Apply expression mark to selected Notes
 void LyricLevelTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
 void HoldTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
           public void operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer) { HoldDialog vd = new HoldDialog(this, parent, ratio); (new HoldDialog(this, parent, ratio)).setVisible(true); if (!proceed) { // System.out.println("Bailing"); } else { for (Enumeration e = selectionBuffer.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) { Note note = (Note) e.nextElement(); if (!note.isRest()) { double duration = note.getDurationData(); double hold = ratio * duration; note.setHoldData(hold); } } } score.setDirty(true); }
 void HalveTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
          Implement this method to do whatever you want to the Vector of Note accessible at selectionBuffer
 void DynamicTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
          Apply dynamic to selected Notes
 void DurationTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
          Implement this method to do whatever you want to the Vector of Note accessible at selectionBuffer
 void DoubleTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
          Implement this method to do whatever you want to the Vector of Note accessible at selectionBuffer
 void DotTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
          Add 1 modulo 3 dots to all notes in selection
 void CrescTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
          If any are cresced or decresced, undo all.
 void BeamTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
          If any are beamed, unbeam all.
 void AmplitudeTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
          Implement this method to do whatever you want to the Vector of Note accessible at selectionBuffer
 void AltEnharmonicSpellingToggleTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
          Flip the enharmonic spelling flag on all selected Notes
 void AccidentalPreferenceTransform.operate(Score score, SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)
          Set the accidental preferences of all selected Notes

Uses of SelectionBuffer in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.view

Methods in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.view with parameters of type SelectionBuffer
 void NoteDimensionNameSpaceEditor.editNotes(SelectionBuffer selectionBuffer)