Uses of Class

Packages that use Note

Uses of Note in com.softsynth.jmsl.score

Methods in com.softsynth.jmsl.score that return Note
 Note ScoreCollection.addInterval(DimensionNameSpace dimensionNameSpace, double[] data)
          add an interval.
 Note Score.addInterval(DimensionNameSpace dimensionNameSpace, double[] dar)
          Add an interval to the last added note, specifying dimension name space and data[].
 Note Note.addInterval(double pitch)
          Add an interval to this Note.
 Note Note.addInterval(Note newNote)
          add newNote as interval to this Note.
 Note ScoreCollection.addNote(DimensionNameSpace dimensionNameSpace, double[] data)
 Note Score.addNote(DimensionNameSpace dimensionNameSpace, double[] dar)
          Expects length >= 4, where dar[0] is dur ( qtr = 1.0), dar[1] is pitch (1..127), dar[2] is amp (0..1), dar[3] is hold Rounds data[0] to nearest recognized duration.
 Note ScoreCollection.addNote(double[] data)
 Note Score.addNote(double[] dar)
          Expects length >= 4, where dar[0] is dur ( qtr = 1.0), dar[1] is pitch (1..127), dar[2] is amp (0..1), dar[3] is hold Rounds data[0] to nearest recognized duration.
 Note ScoreCollection.addNote(double dur, double midipitch, double vel, double hold)
 Note Score.addNote(double dur, double midipitch, double vel, double hold)
 Note ScoreCollection.addNote(Note note)
          Add Note to current Track of current Staff of current Measure.
 Note Score.addNote(Note note)
 Note ScoreCollection.addNote(Note n, int measureNum, int staffNum, int trackNum)
 Note Score.addNote(Note n, int measureNum, int staffNum, int trackNum)
static Note Note.cloneNote(Note n)
          Make an exact copy of a Note.
 Note EditManager.findClosestNote(java.awt.Point location, int editMode)
 Note ScoreCanvasAdapter.getCursorNote()
 Note Track.getFirstNoteAfterTime(double startTime)
 Note Note.getHandle()
static Note Note.getHighest(Note n)
          Assuming this Note is a chord, find the Note with the highest pitch.
 Note ScoreCollection.getLastAddedNote()
 Note Score.getLastAddedNote()
 Note Track.getLastNoteBeforeTime(double endTime)
static Note Note.getLowest(Note n)
          Assuming this Note is a chord, find the Note with the lowest pitch.
 Note Track.getNote(int n)
static Note Note.getRoot(Note n)
          Assuming this Note is a chord, find the Note with the lowest pitch.
static Note[] Note.getSortedChord(Note n)
          Get an array containing this Note's intervals and handle in sorted order
 Note NoteXMLLoader.loadXML(java.lang.String fileName)
static Note NoteFactory.makeNote(DimensionNameSpace dns, double[] data)
          Clone a new note with closest duration.
static Note NoteFactory.makeNote(double dur)
          Clone and return a new Note whose duration matches the argument.
static Note NoteFactory.makeNote(double[] data)
          Clone a new note with closest duration.
static Note NoteFactory.makeNote(double dur, double midipitch, double vel, double hold)
static Note NoteFactory.makeNote(int coreDuration, double pitch, int tuplet, int numDots)
          Make a Note
static Note NoteFactory.makeNote(int coreDur, int tuplet, int dots, int accInfo, int level, Clef clef)
          Build a note based on duration, tuplet, #dots, level on staff, and accidental.
 Note Note.nextNote()
 Note Note.prevNote()

Methods in com.softsynth.jmsl.score with parameters of type Note
 Note Note.addInterval(Note newNote)
          add newNote as interval to this Note.
 Note ScoreCollection.addNote(Note note)
          Add Note to current Track of current Staff of current Measure.
 Note Score.addNote(Note note)
 Note ScoreCollection.addNote(Note n, int measureNum, int staffNum, int trackNum)
 Note Score.addNote(Note n, int measureNum, int staffNum, int trackNum)
static void NoteFactory.calcAndSetDurationData(Note note, int coreDur, int tuplet, int dots)
          Calc duration based on a core duration 0..7, tuplet, and # dots
static void NoteFactory.calcAndSetNoteHeadStemTailInfo(Note note, int coreDur)
          Based on the core duration 0..8, set the notehead type, stem info and number of tails for a note .
static Note Note.cloneNote(Note n)
          Make an exact copy of a Note.
static void Note.copyProperties(Note fromNote, Note toNote)
          Copy properties from one Note to another.
 void Track.deleteNote(Note note)
          delete a Note from this track
If isMonoNote, delete with removeElement()
If isInterval, delete it from the chord handle's vector of intervals If isHandle of chord, removeElement, set new handle to first interval and insert that.
static boolean Note.firstNoteOfLine(Note note)
 double Track.getEndTimeOfNote(Note note)
static Note Note.getHighest(Note n)
          Assuming this Note is a chord, find the Note with the highest pitch.
static Note Note.getLowest(Note n)
          Assuming this Note is a chord, find the Note with the lowest pitch.
static Note Note.getRoot(Note n)
          Assuming this Note is a chord, find the Note with the lowest pitch.
static Note[] Note.getSortedChord(Note n)
          Get an array containing this Note's intervals and handle in sorted order
 double Track.getStartTimeOfNote(Note note)
 void Track.insertNote(Note note)
          Insert a note at current insertion index, and increment insertion index so next note comes after
 void Track.insertNote(Note note, int index)
static boolean NoteFactory.isMultiTrack(Note note)
static boolean Note.lastNoteOfLine(Note note)
 void Note.removeInterval(Note n)
static void NoteRenderer.render(java.awt.Graphics g, double zoom, Note note)
static void NoteRenderer.render(java.awt.Graphics g, double zoom, Note note, boolean oppositeSideOfStem, boolean renderTails)
static void MarkRenderer.renderAccent(java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int y, double zoom, Note note)
static void MarkRenderer.renderAccentStaccato(java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int y, double zoom, Note note)
static void MarkRenderer.renderAccentTenuto(java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int y, double zoom, Note note)
static void MarkRenderer.renderFermata(java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int y, double zoom, Note note)
static void MarkRenderer.renderHarmonic(java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int y, double zoom, Note note)
static void MarkRenderer.renderInvertedMordant(java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int y, double zoom, Note note)
static void MarkRenderer.renderMark(java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int y, double zoom, Note note)
static void MarkRenderer.renderMordant(java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int y, double zoom, Note note)
static void MarkRenderer.renderStaccato(java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int y, double zoom, Note note)
static void MarkRenderer.renderTenuto(java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int y, double zoom, Note note)
static void MarkRenderer.renderTrill(java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int y, double zoom, Note note)
static void MarkRenderer.renderTrillFlat(java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int y, double zoom, Note note)
static void MarkRenderer.renderTrillNatural(java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int y, double zoom, Note note)
static void MarkRenderer.renderTrillSharp(java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int y, double zoom, Note note)
static void MarkRenderer.renderWedge(java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int y, double zoom, Note note)
static void MarkRenderer.renderWedgeStaccato(java.awt.Graphics g, int x, int y, double zoom, Note note)
static void Note.resortChord(Note n)
          make root == handle == lowest pitched note, sort the vector of intervals low to high
 void ScoreCanvasAdapter.setCursorNote(Note cursorNote)
 void Note.setHandle(Note p)
static void Note.setIntervalsToTrackOfHandle(Note note)
static void NoteFactory.setLevelPitch(Note note, double pitch)
          Major workhorse.
static void EditManager.sound(Note note)
          In response to a Note being clicked or inserted, sound the Note.
static void NoteFactory.update(Note note)
          Given a Note, update its properties based on its pitch and duration data, one or both of which might have changed algoruthmically.
static void NoteFactory.updateFromDur(Note note)
          Given a Note, update its properties based on its double duration data.
static void NoteFactory.updateFromPitch(Note note)
          Given a Note, calc and set the level on the staff where it should be drawn based on its pitch.

Constructors in com.softsynth.jmsl.score with parameters of type Note
NoteBlockEnumerator(Score score, Note firstNote, Note lastNote, boolean maximizeEndTimeLimit)
NoteTextEditor(java.awt.Frame f, Score score, Note note)
NoteTrackEnumerator(Score score, Note firstNote, Note lastNote)

Uses of Note in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.justify

Methods in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.justify with parameters of type Note
static double NoteJustifier.getTextualSpacingAfterNote(Note note)
static double NoteJustifier.getTextualSpacingBeforeNote(Note note)

Constructors in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.justify with parameters of type Note
JustifiableNote(Note note, double startTime)

Uses of Note in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.transcribe

Methods in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.transcribe with parameters of type Note
 void TranscriberListener.noteAdded(Score score, Note note)
          Notify listener when a Note is added to score by the transcriber.

Constructors in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.transcribe with parameters of type Note
NoteBeat(Note note, int beat)

Uses of Note in jmsltestsuite

Methods in jmsltestsuite with parameters of type Note
 void TranscribeScore8.noteAdded(Score score, Note note)
          Notify listener when a Note is added to score by the transcriber.

Uses of Note in jmsltutorial

Methods in jmsltutorial with parameters of type Note
 void TranscribeToot06.noteAdded(Score score, Note note)
          TranscriberListener interface .