Uses of Class

Packages that use BinaryCopyBufferTransform

Uses of BinaryCopyBufferTransform in com.softsynth.jmsl.score

Methods in com.softsynth.jmsl.score with parameters of type BinaryCopyBufferTransform
 void ScoreFrame.addBinaryCopyBufferTransform(BinaryCopyBufferTransform transform)
 void ScoreFrame.addBinaryCopyBufferTransform(BinaryCopyBufferTransform transform, int shortCutKey)
 void ScoreFrame.addBinaryCopyBufferTransform(PVMenu menu, BinaryCopyBufferTransform transform, int shortCutKey)
          Add a custom BinaryCopyBufferTransform to this ScoreFrame's "Binary Copy Buffer Transforms" menu.

Constructors in com.softsynth.jmsl.score with parameters of type BinaryCopyBufferTransform
BinaryCopyBufferTransformCommand(BinaryCopyBufferTransform transform)

Uses of BinaryCopyBufferTransform in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.transforms

Subclasses of BinaryCopyBufferTransform in com.softsynth.jmsl.score.transforms
 class ZipperTransform

Uses of BinaryCopyBufferTransform in jmsltutorial

Subclasses of BinaryCopyBufferTransform in jmsltutorial
 class MutationMeanTransform
The resulting melody is the pitch mean and duration mean of the two sources, specifically: the pitch of the resulting Noten = mean pitch of Aux1Noten and Aux2Noten the duration of the resulting Noten = mean duration of Aux1Noten and Aux2Noten