JMSL's MusicShape

A MusicShape is a multidimensional list of double precision floating point numbers.

If imagined as rows and columns, each row is called an element. Each column is called a dimension.

The following data might represent a melody, where dimension 0 (first column) holds duration, dimension 1 (second column) holds Midi pitch, and dimension 2 (third column) holds Midi velocity.

0) 1.0    65.0   120.0
1) 1.5    68.0   110.0
2) 0.5    72.0   100.0
3) 1.0    60.0   120.0
4) 1.0    63.0    80.0

A Music Shape can make its data available in JMSL's MusicShapeEditor, where it can be changed in realtime by a performer.
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