JMSL and JSyn integration: MandelMusic

MandelMusic is an interactive JMSL piece that sonifies the Mandelbrot Set.  A MusicJob does the fractal mathematics over time, and passes  data to its Instrument.  The Instrument holds a JSyn SynthCircuit, which converts this data to sound.

The values passed to the instrument's play() method follow this convention:

        dar[0] = az, real part of current iteration point, normalized to 0.0 .. 1.0
        dar[1] = bz, imaginary part of current iteration point, normalized to 0.0 .. 1.0
        dar[2] = magnitude, distance of point from 0+0i, normalized to 0.0 .. 1.0
        dar[3] = distanceTravelled, distance between current point and last iteration's point, normalized to 0.0 .. 1.0
        dar[4] = iterationCount (how many times the z=z^+c function has been iterated: 1..1000)